New Leaf Kitchen is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible, to the extent allowed by law.
Just by linking your Kroger card to New Leaf Kitchen, a percentage of your eligible purchases are donated to our organization!! It's extremely generous of Kroger, and super easy to enroll! Here's how:
*Customers must have a registered Kroger rewards card account to link to your organization.
*If a member does not yet have a Kroger rewards card, please let them know they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger
Upon purchasing the $2.99 Giving Bag at any Fresh Thyme, shoppers are directed to:
1. Visit within 7 days of their purchase.
2. Remove the scratch-off layer on the Giving Tag to reveal the unique identifier.
3. Submit their identifier and select NEW LEAF KITCHEN to receive a $1 donation!
4. Feel appreciated.
IRS Determination Letter NEW LEAF KITCHEN (pdf)